Public Images

Photograph by Camper, Addie

Photographs by Campers

Photography was one of the art mediums that campers explored in the Big Stone Lake Stories camp. Many of their photos are include in the GIS story maps, and they help tell the story of the camp's journey to explore water in and around Big Stone Lake.

Here is a LINK to a folder that contains some of the other photographs campers made.

More Photographs of Camp

Camper participating in "Words for Water"
at Bonanza Education Center
Photograph by John White

Guest Artist, and acclaimed photographer John White made photographs of campers and camp activities for the first four days of camp. Here's a LINK to his photographs, many of which are also featured in story maps and other documentation. John also shared his work and led a photography lesson.

Community member participating in "Land Markings"
at the Meander Arts Crawl at Bonanza Education Center
Photograph by Jonee Brigham

Lead Artist in Residence, Jonee Brigham, was interacting with the campers most of the time, but also took time out to photograph campers in action throughout the camp as well as community members interacting with the project at Corn Fest and the Meander Arts Crawl. Here's a LINK to her photographs.


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