Welcome to Big Stone Lake Stories!

Can you guess where this is? 

The Big Stone Lake Stories team is excited to share this project with you that invites youth from around the Big Stone Lake area to a camp of exploring water through art, science, mapping, hiking, and meeting the many community members that are part of the water story of this place. The camp takes place at Bonanza Education Center, but the experience takes place all along Big Stone Lake.

This website is being built right now, to connect you to project flyers and resources. As the camp starts, you'll see GIS (Geographic Information System) Interactive Story Maps grow with detail, photos, stories and artwork by youth. There's also ways for the community to participate with a crowdsource story map coming soon, and activities at Corn Fest on August 18th.

Explore the website, and come back soon for more details. Also, for frequent updates, follow Bonanza Education Center on Facebook at this LINK.

We hope to see you and hear your stories!
-Jonee Brigham, Artist in Residence and the Big Stone Lake Stories Team.


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